Correct isolator selection and installation is an extremely important aspect of ensuring PV systems are safe and up to standard. Through the extensive inspection work that GSES has conducted, and feedback from industry, interpreting isolator data sheets can be tricky for many installers. In response to this GSES has increased its focus on isolator selection during its grid connect PV training, and published a technical article: DC Isolators, what are the manufacturer’s specification sheets really telling you?
On the strength of this experience, GSES was contracted by an installation and distribution company to clarify the technical datasheet of several isolator products and prepare user information specific to the isolator brand. GSES provided technical product information including the disambiguation of wiring configurations, interpretation of isolator ratings as per Australian Standards and worked examples of wiring configurations. The purpose of the document is to accompany the isolator manufacturer’s datasheets to provide a simplified design and installation guide for clients.