Commercial Solar Inspections

GSES provides independent quality and compliance commercial solar inspections across Australia. We have completed over 8500 solar system inspections within Australia and across the globe. GSES is also highly experienced in design and performance assessment of Renewable Energy power systems, particularly in the field of Photovoltaics (PV) and diesel-grid hybrid.

Australian Commercial Solar System Inspection Services

We provide comprehensive compliance validation according to applicable standards, industry guidelines, and network regulations. Commercial solar inspections can include the following:

  1. System Verification against the project contract to ensure the product delivered meets the specification set out therein
  2. Audit of design documentation to ensure all documents meet the contract specification and the as-built system
  3. Confirm contractor predicted energy yield by verification of estimation methodology and through review of recorded data against site-specific conditions
  4. Infrared imaging of a statistically significant sample set of modules and module connectors and of all isolation points
  5. I-V curve tracing for all strings in the system
  6. Instantaneous Performance Ratio (PR) using inverter power output and mobile pyranometer
  7. 120hr Energy Performance Ratio (PR) using array fixed, data-logging pyranometers and data logging power analyser

Residential Solar System Inspections

We provide inspections for residential properties when the client is a controlling company such as management companies, councils or the installer. We do not provide inspections directly for homeowners as the client.

Warranty Inspection Services

GSES has a national network of certified inspectors which can be used to confirm warranty claims on PV modules or inverters. GSES has developed the process for warranty testing and reporting which can be tailored to meet any specific client requirements.

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