Technical Articles

GSES communicates factual, up-to-date and evidence-based information for publication. This includes information on the issues surrounding DC circuit breakers, earthing fundamentals, how to sell solar, and information on isolator enclosures.

IPART releases reports

IPART has released its report on the Market value of solar PV exports following a six-month study. The report has found that a “fair and reasonable value” for a solar feed-in tariff is 5.2 to 10.3 cents per kilowatt hour.

Along with this report IPART also released a Consumer Fact Sheet and a report summary fact sheet for industry participants interested in the key points of the report.

It is important that all industry participants are aware of this report and its implications. GSES will keep our website up to date with industry best analysis and responses to this report.

Read the Clean Energy Council’s response.

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