Stand Alone Power Systems Install Only


Self-paced online with face-to-face

The GSES Stand Alone Power Systems Install Only course consists of two main components:

  1. Online theory completed at students’ own pace with tutor support.
  2. A face-to-face (3 days) practical component held at a GSES Training Facility. Practical sessions for this course are held at least twice per year in Western Sydney. Note: students who haven’t previously completed PV and battery accreditation training will need to attend additional practicals.

The course will provide you with the factual, technical, procedural and some theoretical knowledge of Stand Alone Power Systems.

To enrol in this course, you must be a licensed electrician or electrical apprentice. Students who successfully complete all components of the course will receive a Statement of Attainment for the units of competency UEERE0055, UEERE0078, UEERE0079 and UEERE0081. This meets the training component of Solar Accreditation Australia’s requirements for Stand-alone Power Systems Install Provisional Accreditation. This course is an AQF Level 3 course and Level 3 LLN skills are recommended for successful completion.

Please read the essential Course Information and Policies before purchasing this course.



Variants and Options

GSES offers this Install Only course in three variants, depending on whether you have already studied grid-connected PV systems or grid-connected battery storage systems. We strongly recommend completing our Grid-Connected PV Systems course, followed by our Battery Storage for Grid-Connected PV course, if you have not yet completed these courses with us or another registered training organisation. Taking this route grants an additional four units of competency.

  • SAPS Fast Track (must have completed the Grid-Connected PV Systems AND Grid-Connected Battery Storage Systems Install units of competency specified in the Prerequisites section).
    • Cost: $1895 | Shortened online theory | 3-day face-to-face practical
  • SAPS GCPV Accredited (must have completed the Grid-Connected PV Systems Install units of competency specified in the Prerequisites section). We recommend enrolling in the Grid-Connected Battery Storage Systems course rather than this variant, followed by SAPS Fast Track.
    • Cost: $2895 | Slightly shortened online theory | One 3-day and one 2-day face-to-face practicals
  • SAPS Full Course (no prior grid-connect training or accreditation). We recommend enrolling in the Grid-Connected PV Systems course rather than this variant, followed by Battery Storage for Grid-Connected PV and SAPS Fast Track.
    • Cost: $3895 | Online theory | One 3-day and two 2-day face-to-face practicals

NOTE: if you’re not sure if you meet the specific prerequisite requirements, please feel free to send your certificates through to and we’ll check for you.

An electrical licence is a prerequisite for enrolment in this course. Electrical apprentices may enrol in this course, however they will need to wait till they are issued their unrestricted licence before being awarded a Statement of Attainment OR show they have completed the prerequisite Units of Competency in their studies already:

  • UEEEL0039 – Design, install and verify compliance and functionality of general electrical installations
  • UEEEL0012 – Install low voltage wiring, appliances, switchgear and associated accessories

Students of the GCPV Accredited variant must additionally have one of the following combinations of Units of Competency:

  • Combination 1:
    • UEERE0080 – Install photovoltaic power conversion equipment to grid
    • UEERE0081 – Install photovoltaic systems to power conversion equipment
  • Combination 2:
    • UEERE0022, UEENEEK125A, UEENEEK025C, or UEENEEK025B – Solve basic problems in photovoltaic energy apparatus and systems
    • UEERE0016, UEENEEK148A, or UEENEEK048A – Install, configure and commission LV grid-connected photovoltaic power systems

Along with the prerequisites for the GCPV Accredited variant, students of the Fast Track variant must additionally have one of the following combinations of Units of Competency:

  • Combination 1:
    • UEERE0077 – Install battery storage equipment power conversion equipment to grid
    • UEERE0078 – Install battery storage to power conversion equipment
  • Combination 2:
    • UEERE4001 – Install, maintain and fault find battery storage systems for grid-connected photovoltaic systems
Training Outcome

Successful completion will result in the award of a Statement of Attainment in the current version of the following Units of Competency:

  • UEERE0055 – Conduct site survey for off-grid photovoltaic/generating set systems
  • UEERE0078 – Install battery storage to power conversion equipment
  • UEERE0079 – Install off-grid power conversion equipment to electrical installation
  • UEERE0081 – Install photovoltaic systems to power conversion equipment

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be eligible to apply to the Solar Accreditation Australia for the Installation of Stand-alone Power Systems accreditation.

Materials and Equipment

Students will receive an online e-Book available to view in our online training website, and can choose to get an additional printed copy of the publication Stand-Alone Power Systems Design and Installation 8th Edition as part of enrolment; if a student wants a printed hard copy they must pay an additional fee for printing and shipping the textbook. Students are responsible for obtaining current copies of the following Australian Standards, available for purchase from the SAI Global website or Techstreet website, and also available from some libraries, institutions and industry associations:

  • AS/NZS 5033 – Photovoltaic arrays
  • AS/NZS 4777.1 – Grid connection of energy systems via inverters
  • AS/NZS 4509.1 – Stand Alone Power Systems – Safety and installation
  • AS/NZS 4509.2 – Stand Alone Power Systems – System design
  • AS/NZS 5139 – Electrical installations – Safety of battery systems for use with power conversion equipment
  • AS/NZS 3010 – Electrical installations – Generating sets
  • AS/NZS 3000 – Wiring Rules
  • AS/NZS 3008.1.1 – Electrical installations – Selection of cables

Students will also require the following:

  • Computer with reliable Internet connection
  • Scientific calculator
  • Email account, checked regularly
Delivery Method and Duration

This course is designed for electricians who wish to further their skills by gaining an accreditation to install stand-alone power systems (not grid-connected photovoltaic systems). The delivery mode of this course is designed for busy tradespeople who do not have the time to attend lengthy face-to-face courses to expand their knowledge and skills: the fully flexible web-based format of the online component allows students to complete the theory in their own time with ongoing tutor support.

The full course is nominally 170 hours of training, including the online assessments and practical components, but students may take more or less time to complete the course. Courses are valid for twelve (12) months. Extension fees apply from the date of expiry, and the maximum extension permitted is six (6) months from the date of expiry.

Practical component: A majority of the online assessments must be completed before booking the face-to-face practical components. The confirmed date for the practical component is only available once a student has completed the necessary online assessments, used the online link to select a date, and received a confirmation email from GSES. Practicals are held in Chullora, Sydney, and scheduled dates for the Fast Track course can be viewed here. Please contact the office directly on 02 9024 5312 for practical dates for the Full Course and GCPV Accredited variants. Note that dates are subject to minimum and maximum numbers, and places cannot be guaranteed until the necessary amount of online work is completed.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

As a registered training organisation (RTO) GSES complies with the Standards set out by the regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), for Vocational Education Training (VET).

GSES will inform students within 30 days of any changes to services provided to them. This includes any changes to education and support services, any change in the RTO ownership or to third party arrangements.

GSES maintains an adult workplace. We do not countenance any behaviour that is contrary to safe work practice. We do not countenance inappropriate language in all forms of communication. GSES asks that all persons treat others with respect.

Cheating will not be tolerated. If detected, sanctions may be implemented at the discretion of GSES. Students are required to ensure that all responses and/or work they submit is their own work. Any referenced material should be annotated as to its origin. Sanctions may be implemented at the discretion of GSES if plagiarism or fraud is detected, including revocation of certification.

All GSES course participants have the right to appeal the results they obtain in assessments and examinations. The appeal should be sent in writing to the RTO Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who will review the result and respond in writing. GSES may use mediation and conciliation to resolve the complaint. Students also have the right to engage a suitably qualified independent assessor.

Cancellation and Refunds

Cancellation of online training courses will be subject to the following conditions:

  • If the student’s Learning, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) levels are determined by GSES to be below the standard required to complete the coursework successfully, and the student has not yet submitted coursework for assessment, GSES may offer a full refund of the online course material and practical training component. If the student then opts to continue with the course, the standard cancellation and refund policy applies.
  • Cancellation of online training courses made within fourteen (14) days of the date of payment AND before the online course has been accessed: the student will receive a full refund of the online course payment.
  • Cancellation of online training courses made within fourteen (14) days of the date of payment AND after the online course has been accessed AND before any coursework has been submitted for assessment: the student will receive a refund of the online course payment less a cancellation fee of $440, unless the value of the course is lower than this, in which case the student will receive no refund.
  • Cancellation more than fourteen (14) days after the date of payment OR after the first coursework is submitted for assessment (whichever occurs first): the student will receive no refund.
  • All course refunds are exclusive of the price of the printed course publication (if chosen) as advertised at the time of enrolment, unless the publication is returned to GSES in an undamaged and unused condition. GSES reserves the right to refuse a refund of the publication on the basis that goods are damaged or have been used prior to return.
  • The cost of an online training course is inclusive of the Practical Training Component (if applicable), as are course refunds.
Recognition of Prior Learning

RPL for some components of the following Units of Competency have been applied to the GCPV Accredited course variant:

  • UEERE0080 – Install photovoltaic power conversion equipment to grid
  • UEERE0081 – Install photovoltaic systems to power conversion equipment
  • UEERE0022, UEENEEK125A, UEENEEK025C, or UEENEEK025B – Solve basic problems in photovoltaic energy apparatus and systems
  • UEERE0016, UEENEEK148A, or UEENEEK048A – Install, configure and commission LV grid-connected photovoltaic power systems

By providing evidence of their completion of these units, students are granted this RPL automatically at no cost, and do not need to apply separately for RPL based on the above units if they have enrolled in the GCPV Accredited variant.

In addition to the course adjustments for the GCPV Accredited course variant, RPL for some components of the following Units of Competency have been applied to the Fast Track course variant:

  • UEERE0077 – Install battery storage equipment power conversion equipment to grid
  • UEERE0078 – Install battery storage to power conversion equipment
  • UEERE4001 – Install, maintain and fault find battery storage systems for grid-connected photovoltaic systems

By providing evidence of their completion of these units, students are granted this RPL automatically at no cost, and do not need to apply separately for RPL based on the above units if they have enrolled in the Fast Track variant.

Ensure this is the student's direct email, not a shared email address


This course is designed for electricians who wish to further their skills by gaining an accreditation to install (but not design) stand-alone power systems (not grid-connected photovoltaic systems). The delivery mode of this course is designed for busy tradespeople who do not have the time to attend lengthy face-to-face courses to expand their knowledge and skills: the fully flexible web-based format of the online component allows students to complete the theory in their own time with ongoing tutor support.

The majority of the course is completed online; students can book the dates for their face-to-face practical(s) after attempting a certain proportion of the online work. Practical sessions for the Fast Track course are held in Sydney and the current schedule can be found at this link. Please contact the office directly on 02 9024 5312 for practical dates for the Full Course and GCPV Accredited variants. Note that dates are subject to minimum and maximum numbers, and places cannot be guaranteed until the necessary amount of online work is completed. Course access is valid for 12 months (practicals can be booked for after this time if necessary).


Prerequisites: Unrestricted electrical licence issued by an Australian state or territory. Electrical apprentices may enrol but will not be awarded a Statement of Attainment until they can show they have completed the prerequisite units of competency.
For the GCPV Accredited variant: As above, and additionally UEENEEK125A and UEENEEK148A.
For the Fast Track variant: As above, and additionally UEERE4001.


Outcome of successful completion: Statement of Attainment for the following Units of Competency and eligible to apply for CEC Stand-alone Power Systems Design and Install provisional accreditation (refer to the CEC for any additional requirements).

UEENEEK123A: Carry out basic repairs to renewable energy apparatus
UEENEEK125A: Solve basic problems in photovoltaic energy apparatus and systems
UEENEEK128A: Solve problems in stand-alone renewable energy systems
UEENEEK134A Install ELV stand-alone photovoltaic power systems


Required materials: Students are supplied with the publication Stand Alone Power Systems Edition 8 after enrolment at no additional cost. Students are responsible for obtaining current copies of the following Australian Standards, available for purchase from the
SAI Global website or Techstreet website, and also available from some libraries, institutions and industry associations:

AS/NZS 5033
AS/NZS 4777.1
AS/NZS 4509.1
AS/NZS 4509.2
AS/NZS 3000
AS/NZS 3008.1.1
AS/NZS 3010

Students will also require the following:

Computer with reliable Internet connection
Scientific calculator
Email account, checked regularly