Grid-Connected PV Systems Design and Installation 8th Edition


A comprehensive handbook that contains detailed information on designing grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems, including descriptions of the different components, sizing a system and matching different components. It also includes information on conducting site surveys of potential installations, system installation, trouble shooting, maintenance and the economics of grid-connected PV systems. This publication is intended for the Australian market, and other readers may find the International or USA editions more suitable.

Inside the new 8th Edition:

  • New chapters on Connecting to the Grid (AC Electricity), Mounting Systems, Energy Assessment and Commercial and Utility Scale PV Systems
  • Extension Material
  • Improved and updated diagrams made originally by GSES
  • Additional examples
  • 5 Grid-Connected Case Studies
  • Quiz Answers and a vastly improved appendices
  • Extensive Australian and International Standards references throughout
  • High quality, durable design
  • 509 pages
Variants and Options

You receive a copy of this book if you enrol in the Design & Install Grid-Connect PV Systems Course

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**You receive a copy of this book if you enrol in the Design & Install Grid-Connect PV Systems Course**

Additional information

Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions 29.7 × 21.1 × 3.2 cm