The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) is organising SWC50 – The Century of Solar, a celebration of 50 years of ISES Solar World Congresses. The celebration includes a virtual conference early December 2020 with follow-up webinars during 2021, where we briefly look back over the 50 years since the first Solar World Congress (SWC) and then focus on how we can and must transition to 100% Renewable Energy. There will also be celebrations at a number of faces to face conferences through 2021 finishing with the ISES Solar World Congress in India in October 2021.
The celebration also includes a permanent online display area and the release of the celebratory booklet: The Century of Solar – Stories and Visions of Renewable Energy. The virtual display area and booklet will allow researchers, research institutes, and companies to tell their solar story while the booklet will also celebrate individuals who have paved the way toward achieving solar technology breakthroughs and developed the industry.
The Call for Renewable Energy Pioneers
Without the efforts of individual researchers, system designers, system installers, business leaders, policy makers and those within the donor community, the renewable energy industry would not have grown from watts to Gigawatts in the last 50 years. Thus, ISES is issuing a call for developing a compilation of Renewable Energy Pioneers to be listed in the celebratory booklet. This will be ISES’ way of acknowledging the many people who have made this industry what it is today. ISES is calling for submissions of the names of individuals covering the following two categories:
- Research Pioneers: Individuals who started their research in 1995 or earlier.
- Industry Pioneers: Individuals who actively started working in or with the industry in 1995 or earlier.
Why 1995 as a cut-off date for industry?
We have arbitrarily chosen 1995 since this was 25 years after the first Congress and 25 years before SWC50. Much of the renewable energy industry growth has occurred since 1995. The number of people working in the industry has grown significantly on the last 25 years and those working in the industry or undertaking research prior to 1995 were the pioneers of this industry
ISES appreciates that there have been other significant individuals who have contributed greatly to the growth of this industry since 1995, their contribution will be acknowledged in the booklet.
How will the Pioneers be recognised?
All of the submitted names will have their relevant detail plus photo and description in the booklet: The Century of Solar- Stories and Visions of Renewable Energy.
How do I nominate myself or someone else?
Individuals can submit on behalf of themselves or in behalf of someone else, particular those who might have passed away.
Submitting a person is a simple process. It involves providing:
- Name of nominated person
- E-mail and Phone Number
- Country
- Year they started in RE industry or RE research and brief info
- Institute
- Title of first research (for researchers)
- 300 word description (please write in third person)
- Photo
- Name and contact details of person submitting the nomination (if not the person)
Names and information can only be submitted online in the relevant online form.
Click the relevant button to submit someone.